Hysteroscopy polypectomy ✨

I received a lot of questions about my surgery I just had done! Why I had to do it, what it was like, and what the benefits were! So I figured I’d write about it here!

All my thoughts in once place!

Why I had the procedure: So back in 2021 I was diagnosed first and foremost with PCOS, and having done the run around with my GYNO, I took matters into my own hands, and went to see a reproductive endocrinologist at UCSF! I was then diagnosed with unexplained infertility, (a blog post for another time) later did IVF, had my first embryo transfer, and had my daughter!! (Thank god)

Fast forward to wanting to conceive my second child, I went in to see my reproductive endocrinologist who ordered a saline ultrasound, basically a more detailed ultrasound to take a look inside my uterus. Once inside, we found I had polyps! So my doctor recommended a Hysteroscopy polypectomy! Basically a procedure where a camera is inserted into the cervix, into the uterus, and used to take a deeper look inside! I had light anesthesia, pain meds in my IV, and three numbing shots injected into my uterus. The surgery was performed while I was awake, and I watched the whole procedure on a screen! I watched her remove all of the polyps, and check for any other issues, which I didn’t have, and then the surgery was over! From start to finish once in the OR, I was only in there for about 45 mins! My polyps were sent to the lab for testing to rule out anything deeper, and I was sent back to the pre op room! I really don’t remember much after surgery! The pain meds and anxiety medication that they gave me made me extremely tired and pretty loopy, so I slept and slept and slept!!

The benefits: My doctor let me know that if I proceeded forward with an embryo transfer without getting the polyps removed, I was risking my embryo not attaching to my uterus! Being I want to improve all my odds possible to make my embryo make it earth side, I moved forward with the surgery! The risks of the surgery were minimal, but the benefits were astronomical!

Recovery: I slept the entire day after my surgery! And all night long! My pain hasn’t been too bad, and it’s been easily manageable with over the counter Tylenol, and a heating pad!!

5 days after surgery: I’ve healed extremely well! All my pain has subsided, and I’m feeling great! I’m getting myself ready to move forward with my frozen embryo transfer protocol!


Embryo Transfer Protocol


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